Sunday, February 1, 2015

Listening Earnestly to Earnest Words is Only Proper

“ Although the Japanese may not be conscious of aimai, its use is regarded as a virtue in Japan…” (p.9). In the film, find the scene that you think that aimai is regarded as a virtue and explain why you think so.

-- One of the scenes that I thought that regarded aimai as a virtue was towards the end when Murauchi spoke to Sonobe about responsibility. It wasn't so much of a putting-him-in-his-place situation, but more of less of a group understanding and acceptance of one's actions.

Considering Aimai, ambiguity is a big part of bullying in Japan and the film. Describe the scenes of them and explain why you think so.

-- The scene that jumps out to me the most is when the classmates (who were all guilty of bullying Noguchi) mentioned that Noguchi laughed along with them and joked, but on the inside, it really hurt.

What are the differences between bullying in Japan and US? What kinds of American characteristics would cause the kinds of bullying in the US?

-- I think that bullying is the same no matter where you go. I'd say it's more popular within the younger generations; I was bullied in middle school for being overweight, believe it or not. Did it change the way I thought about things? Of course it did. I just wanted to fit in, quite literally, really.

Considering Uchi to Soto, what kinds of concepts of Uchi to Soto are Noguchi’ bullying caused? What kinds of characteristics make the other students bully?

-- Due to Noguchi's extroverted personality, it could be presumed that he was taken advantage of for the sake of joking around.

Considering Danjyo Kankei, the textbook mentioned roles of male and female in Japan. What kinds of relationships exist between male and female in the classroom.

-- I think that the female classmates seem to be a little more subdued than normal. Other than that, I didn't see too many differences when it came to bullying. The girls bullied the one girl about her e-mail (?) and the boys bullied Noguchi.

What did reflection papers differ for students from the first paper and the second paper?

-- The length. However, at the end of the movie, Murauchi gives no minimum requirement. They were writing it for themselves and not for the school.

Considering Chinmoku, what affect do you think the stuttering teacher had on the students?

-- The pauses between sentences and the impact of his words helped reinforce what the poster said, "Please be considerate of others." I have a feeling we all knew as viewers that Murauchi was bullied for his stuttering.

MOVIE---Who is the 3rd person that Noguchi wrote in his will?

-- Everyone else.

MOVIE---What is bullying? What did the stuttering teacher, Murauchi-sensei tell to Sonobe?

-- Bullying is hurting others to hurt them. It is not a disliking of someone, but more or less the will to cause another person pain on purpose.

What did you think about the film? Have you had similar experiences? Share anything that you thought about this film.

-- It was a tear jerker, that's for sure. I won't lie, the aspect of bullying is something I have known before and to see the effect on a student (albeit it is just a movie) is quite powerful.

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